菏澤翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字: (4) enterprises to enter the relatively free
Cotton textile industry from the rapid growth of production capacity and investment英文論文翻譯費用多少錢 in a high proportion of these sources of self-financing perspective, this period has been relatively free to enter the cotton textile industry. (5) treatment of different types of enterprises are obviously different Product and input prices as the implementation of the "dual track" and the tax system, the difference between loan eligibility, etc., cotton textile industry and other manufacturing industries, there are obviously different treatment of different types of business problems.(6) The ownership structure is still dominated by state-owned economyReform of the early cotton textile industry, China has a higher proportion of the entire industrial economy. In 1980, total industrial output value, state-owned enterprises accounted for 78.7%, while the cotton textile industry, the proportion of state-owned enterprises as high as 89.7%. By 1982, industrial output value of Chinese-owned enterprises accounted for 77.8%, while the textile industry the proportion of Chinese-owned enterprises is still up 86.8% (see Table 2).In summary, can be judged that the cotton textile industry in the transition process began earlier, some aspects of the market畢業(yè)論文翻譯成英語文章 was relatively high, but the progress of various different aspects. Compared with the entire manufacturing sector, the textile industry in the product market畢業(yè)論文翻譯成英語文章 supply and demand, product price determination, the direction of input use, investment英文論文翻譯費用多少錢 sources, free access to other aspects of the transition process started earlier. But in the main input prices, corporate ownership structure and differential treatment, there is no tangible progress. 2.2 in the late 1980s, the transition processThe cotton textile industry during the development of some new features and new problems. The first is the growth rate and efficiency of the production level fluctuations. 1984 compared with 1981, profits fell by 46.5% (Deng Zhongyuan 1991). Efficiency dropped dramatically with the sudden growth of the domestic textile market畢業(yè)論文翻譯成英語文章 slowdown has a direct relationship. Followed by rapid export growth in 1983, textile exports only 37.5 billion U.S. dollars, 13.1 billion reached